The traffic light control system interfaces with the ILS ScaleQ software. This provides manual or automated control of one or two traffic lights (2-section, red /green) on each of the two truck scales. We manufacture traffic light control systems for single scale or multiple scale operations.
Typical configuration provides incoming and outgoing control. When the scale is empty both traffic lights are green. When a vehicle boards the scale both lights are switched to red. Upon completion of the weighment the outgoing light is switched to green, signaling the driver to proceed. Once the scale weight has returned to zero, the incoming light is turned to green, signaling the next driver to board the scale.
Configurations include vehicle positioning lights, which interface with photoelectric transmitter/receiver pairs to be mounted at each end of the scale. If a beam is blocked, a directional light will prompt the driver to move forward or backward until the beam is cleared and the light is extinguished.
Traffic light status will be displayed adjacent to the scale weight on the ScaleQ screen. Manual override control of the traffic light is also provided through the ScaleQ software.
Ask us about our traffic light control system for bulk weighing solutions.