Using Jobs And Quotas | Weighing With Scale Q

January 22, 2020 2 min read

Jobs define information. Quotas accumulate information. 

Jobs are used to define information about a customer project, as well as data that is used in determining how the job should be charged such as price catalog, freight rate and tax rate.This is important because a job may have different pricing than the customer normally has. A customer may have zero or more jobs. The job record is also used to accumulate data about the number of loads and tonnage for the job. Related to this, a job may also have a quota, which is a limit on the tonnage of material. 

Quota is used to accumulate loads and tons of a material so the limit can be enforced. when the quota is exceeded during a weighing, the operator is warned and can override the warning. A second, optional purpose for quota is to prin the job and material accumulations on the ticket. Quota records can be automatically created. If a file has the auto create option set in, and it has total fields, then a record will be automatically created when a transaction components is created. 

Using a job with a quota:

  • The job and the quota can be defined in the customer file, as shown above. A job can also be defined on the fly during weighing. 

 Job Quota Scale Ticket System

  • The dialog to enter a job during weighing must be enable in the site file by checking Enter job. 


  • Begin a weigh-in and fill in the job information. 
  • Click finish to put the truck in the yard. 

  • After the truck is loaded and has mounted the scale, recall the truck from the yard to complete the transaction. 
  • Click finish. 

  • If the load exceeds the quota established for the job, the operator will be alerted and can override the warning or can send the truck back to the load.

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