May 31, 2022 1 min read

Scale ticketing software. See what ScaleQ can do. 

searching for scale ticketing software
Interface Logic Systems’ ScaleQ Express and ScaleQ Foundation Scale Management and Control Systems are industry-specific, standardized software applications providing quick, accurate scale ticketing, data collection and reporting capabilities. Both Express and Foundation feature a robust feature set and standardized databases designed to meet a majority of client requirements.
ILS recognizes, however, that each or our customers are unique, and many have specific needs to achieve their goals and meet their operational requirements. ILS takes pride in our ability to quickly and economically provide tailored, customized applications to meet the specific needs of a diverse clientele. 


Customized pricing structures, supplemental fees and surcharges, specialized hauling rate structures are all available when required. ILS developers can implement inspection alerts based on multiple criteria, including material volume, load counts, time schedules or other criteria. 

The ability to send emails or text messages when certain conditions are met can be included in your ScaleQ application.  Alert jobsite supervisors of incoming loads, notify production personnel of emergent conditions, alert operators when vehicles have been in the facility for extended periods of time, etc.

ScaleQ can interface with third party systems, including radiation detectors, production equipment and others to maximize your productivity and profitability.


Contact ILS to discuss ways in which ScaleQ can help you manage and control your operations.

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